
A Christian Philosophy of Athletics

And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.

Luke 2:52

Christian school athletics exists for the purpose of giving to the Christian athlete a positive Christian atmosphere in which he may develop in physical competition.  As this purpose is carried out, it is understood that the athlete is to allow the Holy Spirit to be in control, guiding his spiritual as well as his physical development.  Ultimately, a Christian athletic program should produce an enhanced Christian character in the participant as well as in the spectator.

Maranatha Christian School is committed to the spiritual development of the whole person.  Every part of the student’s being is included in God’s plan for his life.  Competing with one’s peers in interscholastic competition provides an important opportunity for growth, both physically and spiritually.  The desire to win is a legitimate aspect of any athletic endeavor, because winning indicates a level of self-discipline and accomplishment.  It is a fruit of effort, but it is not the only reward, not the most important one.  If one has maximized his athletic potential, glorified Christ, done his best, and given all the credit to the Lord, the reward will be a more gratifying relationship with him as well as a more fully developed ability to serve Him effectively.

It is not the purpose of MCS to offer interscholastic athletes to provide a launching pad for an athletic career. Education cannot be subordinated to athletics. Sports should be only an adjunct to consistent, quality classroom instruction. To make athletic competition an end in itself runs contrary to a sound philosophy of Christian education.

MCS Basketball Athletics

Boys Varsity Basketball

Boys J V Basketball

Pup’s Basketball

Girls Varsity Basketball

Girls J V Basketball

Athletic Forms

MCS Soccer & Volleyball Athletics

Boys Varsity Soccer

Pup’s Soccer

Girls Varsity

Girls J V Volleyball

Athletic Forms

MCS Baseball & Softball Athletics

Boys Varsity Baseball

Girls Varsity Softball

Pup’s Baseball

Athletic Forms

Other MCS Sports



Girls Varsity

Pup’s Cheerleading

Athletic Forms