Meet Our Bulldogs
MCS offers seasonal athletics for 1st-12th grades. Our mission is to intertwine FAITH and ATHLETICS into all aspects of our sports programs. We strive to build Godly character, teamwork, and commitment both on and off the field. Our administration, staff, and coaches are committed to facilitating a safe and Godly environment, where our student athletes can honor and glorify God. We hold our coaches, athletes, and fans to high standards of sportsmanship, aiming to always bring honor to our Lord.
Varsity Boys Soccer
Our soccer program aims to honor and glorify God as we mentor young men and women, while training them to compete at elite levels across our state.
The Boys Varsity Soccer program is a seasonal sport, commencing at the end of July with tryouts. Practice begins immediately after.
Varsity Girls Soccer
MCS strives to achieve the highest level of competition for our female athletes and to equip them with skills needed for the future path the Lord has called them to walk.
The Girls Varsity Soccer program is a seasonal sport, commencing right after the basketball season in March with tryouts.
JV Girls Volleyball
MCS strives to achieve the highest level of competition for our female athletes and to equip them with skills needed for the future path the Lord has called them to walk. The JV volleyball season runs from the middle of August through the 1st week of November.
Varsity Girls Volleyball
The MCS volleyball program is committed to fostering a competitive environment that enables each student-athlete to fully realize their potential and glorify Christ using their inherent gifts. The Varsity volleyball season runs from the middle of August through the 1st week of November.
Varsity Girls Basketball
MCS strives to achieve the highest level of competition for our female athletes and to equip them with skills needed for the future path the Lord has called them to walk.
The Girls Varsity Soccer program is a seasonal sport, commencing right after the basketball season in March with tryouts.
Varsity Girls Basketball
Team sports serve as an ideal platform to instill the value of service to others and collective action in achieving common goals in our girls as they transition into adulthood.
The JV & Varsity Teams season begins in early November and ends in late February.
Varsity Boys Basketball
It is a deep hope of the Bulldogs Basketball Program that our players will learn: perseverance and hard work, the importance of being on one accord, display a love for God and people, and embrace that we are molded for His craftsmanship to do His Work and created for His Glory.
The Boys JV & Varsity Teams season begins in early November and ends in late February.