
Accelerated Christ-Centered Education

Maranatha Christian School and all Faculty are accredited and certified under the SCACS & AACS associations. Devoted to Academic Excellence!



The mission of Maranatha Christian School is to provide quality education in a Christ-centered environment in order to reach students for Christ and EQUIP them to SERVE God and IMPACT the world through Biblical thought and action.

Maranatha christian school


Curriculum is essential for effective teaching and learning. It provides a clear framework for educators to guide their instruction, and it ensures that students acquire the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Bob Jones Press

For all core subjects K4-12th grades use the Bob Jones
Press Curriculum.

We use BJU Press because it is Christ-centered, comprehensive, well-structured, and offers a balanced approach to education. The curriculum is thorough, with a strong emphasis on critical thinking and analytical skills. It provides a steady pace of learning, with regular reviews to reinforce understanding and build confidence. BJU Press also stays up to date and has different approaches for all students to learn. The activities are varied and engaging, promoting active learning and keeping students interested.

Bible Curriculum

Bob Jones Press & Summit

Bible Curriculum

Bob Jones Press Bible Curriculum- Pre-K – 10th Grade

  • With the continuing influence of secularism on Christian thought, the formal Bible class within a Christian school can help shape students, families, and future church leaders who know their Bible and can apply biblical principles appropriately and faithfully to the issues of life today. While the family and the local church are central in the New Testament plan, Christian education can support both of those institutions with a structured, intentional, and practical study through the Bible. A general, moralistic approach to teaching Bible isn’t an option. Christian educators need a grade-level-appropriate program that approaches Bible study with the same academic rigor they use to approach science, history, and every other academic discipline.Since the Bible is the authoritative word of God, it directs every area of life. Students need to trust in it and believe what it says for it to change their day-to-day lives. Before students can trust in, believe, and apply the Bible to their lives, they must understand that the Bible is true and is the ultimate authority.

Summit- 11th-12th Grade

  • The Understanding the Times Series comprehensively covers the biblical worldview, the Great Commission, understanding competing worldviews, and how to engage today’s culture and defend the faith with sound biblical theology and powerful apologetics.

High School Additional Curriculum


High School Additional Curriculum


MCS High School



Honor Classes

Beginning with the sophomore year, there
will be opportunities to take honors classes
in various academic disciplines that may be
necessary for admittance to certain colleges.


Dual Credit

Juniors and Seniors may enroll in dual credit
classes with colleges approved by the
principal that may be applied to the student’s


Class Ranking

MCS Class Ranking is based on the following:
-The South Carolina Uniform Grading
Policy (SCUGP)
-Ranks all academic classes at the
end of the academic year
-Rank includes entire class (diploma
seeking candidates)
-Rank is demonstrated on the official
transcript of every student
regardless of if they are using rank
to qualify for a scholarship or not